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  • 23rd Mar 2020

    Think thoroughly through redesign before purchase

    Redesigning or refurbishing a bathroom is generally considered to be far more straightforward than undertaking a kitchen project. It is. However, that doesn’t mean to say that you shouldn’t put plenty of thought into the planning and design of your bathroom before you rush out and start purchasing your dream bath or favourite vanity unit.

    An efficient and well-thought-through bathroom is key to any home and considering all elements of the redesign before you begin will ensure a successful result and make the process as stress-free as possible.

  • 11th Mar 2020

    Essential, but never boring….toilets!

    Whilst you might be forgiven for thinking that a toilet is simply a toilet, think again! Toilets too come in an abundance of shapes and sizes. The toilet you choose will be determined by the amount of space you have, the style of your bathroom, and budget. Add in a wide range of toilet seats and flush panels and one thing is for sure - gone are the days of boring, standard toilets!

    For a contemporary bathroom, choose a close-coupled, back-to-wall, wall-hung, or corner toilet. Some are curvaceous, others have sharper outlines. A bathroom that is more traditional in style will work better with a toilet that has more intricate lines and design detail and one that will harmonise well with classic pedestal basins and roll-top baths. The toilet doesn’t need to match the other fittings but do think about creating a consistent feel to pull the look together.